Benchmarking for Quality Assurance in Apprenticeships and Work Based Learning

Online benchmarking tools for quality assurance in work-based learning:
- one addressing Educational institutions and
- one addressing Companies

Using the benchmarking tools, users will be able to compare their performance to that of similar organisations in the same country or other European countries, learn from each other and engage in promoting quality in work-based learning.

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How to improve Work-based learning offer in VET schools of Fashion sector

“E&E FASHION - Education - Employment Partnership for iVET in the fashion sector” (2016-1-RO01-KA202-024710) was a two-year European project aimed at developing a European teaching and training toolkit for supporting the implementation of work-based learning (WBL) in all stages of vocational education and training (VET). Moreover, the project supported the implementation of Quality Assurance mechanisms for WBL in VET in the fashion sector with a specific focus on feedback loops between initial (iVET) and continuous VET (cVET) systems.

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