Benchmarking for Quality Assurance in Apprenticeships and Work Based Learning

Online benchmarking tools for quality assurance in work-based learning:
- one addressing Educational institutions and
- one addressing Companies

Using the benchmarking tools, users will be able to compare their performance to that of similar organisations in the same country or other European countries, learn from each other and engage in promoting quality in work-based learning.

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Changes in Crafts Act introduce the new programme for mentors in crafts and companies in order to strengthen the quality of apprenticeship and work-based learning in Croatia

In order to improve the quality of apprenticeship in Croatia following the good practices from European countries, the Croatian Government has introduced several changes in the Crafts Act starting from January 2020. One of changes includes the introduction of programme for educating mentors in crafts and companies. The ministry responsible for economy, entrepreneurship and crafts is responsible for the development of the programme, and the Chamber of Trades and Crafts and the Chamber of Economy will be responsible for its implementation.

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The Simulated Company

The Simulated Company (Impresa Formativa Simulata – IFS) is a teaching method that combines problem solving, learning by doing, cooperative learning and role playing by reproducing a simulated environment that allows the student to learn new skills from an operational point of view, strengthening those knowledge and skills learned during the studies.

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